Martha meaning in bible
Martha meaning in bible

martha meaning in bible

martha meaning in bible

Martha apparently took the pragmatic route to get the meal on the table and missed the fact that at that moment, practical matters could pause for something more important. This wording seems to suggest that Mary and Martha were both invited to sit at Jesus’ feet and learn from him, or at least that offer was open for both of them. The text says that she was “distracted” by making the dinner (the Message Bible’s paraphrase puts it, “Martha was pulled away”). Pragmatism also seems to be part of Martha’s attitude at Jesus’ visit.


Very few women had professional jobs – Lydia the purple cloth seller in Acts 16 is a notable exception, and she lived in a wealthy Greek city, the kind of place that works by being cosmopolitan. Educational opportunities were limited, with few women receiving any kind of religious training or apprenticeship in any trade. Ancient Roman or ancient Jewish societies generally didn’t treat women well. While it’s easy for modern Western readers to see Martha as a “wet blanket,” we need to recognize that Martha was doing what was expected of her. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her” ( Luke 10:41-42). Rather than tell Mary to help, Jesus says, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed-or indeed only one. Martha goes to Jesus and says, “Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me” ( Luke 10:40). Martha is apparently also listening but distracted by the meal preparation and gets irritated that Mary isn’t pitching in. While a meal is being prepared, Jesus starts teaching and Mary sits at his feet, listening ( Luke 10:39). However, the most famous story of Mary and Martha comes in Luke 10, when Jesus and his disciples are traveling to Jerusalem and come to the sisters’ home. Their brother Lazarus gets risen from the dead, and according to the Gospel of John, it was Mary who anointed Jesus with expensive perfume. Mary and Martha appear multiple times in the Gospels. What Happens in the Story of Mary and Martha? Jesus used this moment to make a point about priorities which still applies to us today. For many of us, their big contribution to the Gospels is the story of what happened when Jesus visited them. They are witnesses to one of Jesus’ most spectacular miracles, and Mary shows her devotion to Jesus in a powerful way. With the exception of Jesus’ mother Mary, Lazarus’ sisters Mary and Martha are probably the most famous female characters in the Bible. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." ~ Ephesians 2:8-10 Why Is the Story of Mary and Martha so Relevant Today? And this is not your own doing it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. "For by grace you have been saved through faith. "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." ~ Matthew 6:33 His grace is sufficient and His mercies are new every morning! He offers us peace in the middle of chaos and worries. We can set aside time each day to come before the Lord in prayer and reading His word. What is stealing your attention from Jesus today and letting bitterness sneak in? It's time to stop rushing and worrying like Martha and take a seat like Mary.

martha meaning in bible martha meaning in bible

Yes, Martha showed wonderful hospitality welcoming Jesus and his disciples in, but she got lost in the distractions. When Martha complains to Jesus, he gently reminds her of what her focus should be on - building a relationship with Him. Mary prized the time with Jesus and gave her entire focus to his presence. If Jesus was in front of you, would your first thought be to make everything perfect or to stop and spend time with the Savior? What is your mind's attention on? What we give our mind's attention to, gets our heart's affection.

Martha meaning in bible